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  • DOI today announced the approval of a federal mining plan modification by the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement for the Spring Creek Mine in Big Horn County, Montana, operated by the Navajo Transitional Energy Company. This decision extends the mine's operational life by 16 years, enabling the production of approximately 39.9 million tons of federal coal and supporting 280 full-time jobs. 

  • The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement is committed to its mission of protecting people and the environment from the adverse impacts of coal mining while balancing the need for energy. While it has been reported that the Oklahoma Field Office is closed, the office is open and will continue to fulfill its responsibilities to the residents of Oklahoma.

  • OSMRE prepares for our next evaluation year by soliciting comments from citizens, environmental groups, industry professionals and other interested parties.

    From March 1– 30, submit comments, evaluation topic recommendations and suggestions for improving our annual reports by email or in writing to the OSMRE contact for your state.

  • Citizen Complaint:

    If you have questions or concerns, please contact the local OSMRE staff in your state or send an email to

  • OSMRE announces changes to the Ten-Day Notice rule that will make it easier for citizens to report mining concerns, safeguarding people and the environment from the adverse effects of coal mining.